New Beginnings in Friendship
Build more and deeper friendships
Saturday November 5
from 10 am to 6 pm

A workshop to activate your friendship muscle

  • Discover your unconscious beliefs about friendship
  • Explore 5 techniques to start, develop and deepen friendships
  • Dream of what could be possible for you in friendship
  • Develop a friendship game plan for yourself

for a new Beginning in your friendships

The friendship workshop takes place in a quiet and private space away from your daily responsibilities.

Carrer Miranda de Montserrat, 10
08197 Sant Cugat del Valles

A 30 minutes drive from the Barcelona airport
Parking is available.

The workshop fee includes snacks, lunch and beverages

Saturday, November 5 from 10 am to 6 pm

Workshop fee:
EUR 175
EUR 145 early bird price until Saturday, September 17, 2022

Barbara Stupp, workshop leader

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Barbara loves to connect people. She continues to be surprised that growing up we learn so little about how we can better connect & interact with others to have more joy in life. 

She is pragmatic, creative and courageous. She creates environments that support learning experiences for body, mind and heart.

Barbara is based in Zurich and facilitates workshops and trainings internationally.    

Rosa Vilarasau, workshop co-leader

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Rosa is passionate about creating memorable events to connect people. She believes that a life well lived needs memories of special moments of togetherness with other people.

She is full of energy and curiosity, and likes to make things happen. Her events include some magical moments that create joyful surprises for participants.

Rosa is based in Barcelona where she owns and manages the Mirandai location.

“The ultimate touchstone of friendship is not improvement,
neither of the other nor of the self:
the ultimate touchstone is witness,
the privilege of having been seen by someone and
the equal privilege of being granted the sight of the essence of another,
to have walked with them and
to have believed in them, and sometimes
just to have accompanied them
for however brief a span,
on a journey impossible to accomplish alone.”

David Whyte